Quinnen Talian

Keeper of the Moon | 26 | Light Mage
14th Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon (April 14)
5'6" | Demisexual | Bonded to Sainte Salfiar

Mage of Light

Taught in the ways of white magic, he is a powerful though not technically skilled mage.

Swan Prince

A sensitive soul, Quinnen is soft spoken with a big heart worn on his wrist.

All that Glitters

Relationships, Hobbies, Art Gallery


Who am I & OOC RP info

Mage of Light

Skilled in the discipline of magic, Quinnen draws on aether and white magic, casting it through his strength of will to heal and defend others at cost of his own aether acting as a conduit. His time spent with the conjurer's guild and padjals has helped him avoid draining or depleting his energy but he still lacks in finesse of finer magecraft. Where he lacks in skill he makes up for in strength of power. He is also light on his feet and a bit athletic with good stamina.He does not have a strong connection with the elementals as many conjurers do, however he understands the basics of conjury spells. His own magic, while taking many notes of white magic, is more akin to that of the element of light.His gift of the echo manifested in his late teens though he did not understand what it truly was for years until meeting the Scions of the Seventh Dawn.

Swan Prince

Raised by his mother and her partner in a nomadic crafting caravan, Quinnen chose to join the conjurer's guild in his thirteenth year to study magecraft, aspiring to become an adventurer like the one that saved his family from beastkin. There he befriended Elyssia Tr'iere and they became partners in studies and kinship.Quinnen is kind to a fault, easily taken advantage of and not one to want to give up on others even when they do him wrong. His self-confidence is a struggle he deals with often, but he will jump to aid others and stand up to volunteer himself. He loves fiercely and is protective, sometimes doubting others' to be able to fend for themselves which can cause conflict.His inspiration to do good and ultimately keep the peace among the peoples of Eorzea drives him to overcome his insecurities to live up to his titles. He is kind to most, including beastmen, and has strong ties within the Amal'jaa, sylphs, and pixies.

All that Glitters

Quinnen has several handicraft hobbies, having picked up moderate skills in several trades in his youth that he continued to pursue on the side. His most noteworthy skill is gemcrafting and goldsmithing. He has a keen knowledge of minerals and metals and enjoys crafting jewelry. He secretly is a somewhat popular jewlery designer that anonymously sells his works through the goldsmith's guild. Among several other small projects, Quinnen helps fund a small aviary that provides shelter to all manner of avian-related species across the land.Sainte Salfiar is Quinnen's husband and protector. They have been together for a few years and where one travels the other is sure to follow. Quinnen is a do-good influence on Sainte who is more of a neutral free spirit.
Elyssia Tr'iere is Quinnen's confidante, best friend, and mentor/rival in mage craft. She would never imagine herself as one to save the world, but if it is a place where Quinnen is and wishes to protect, she will loyally stand beside him.
Baran Roh is Quinnen's appointed retainer and handles his finances and business inquiries. They have an odd relationship and Quinnen is endeared by her sometimes abrasive personality, only encouraging him to try harder to befriend her.

OOC Info

Crystal - Goblin - Multi-Characters

Quinnen Talian
Elyssia Tr'iere
Baran Roh
Raelta Lacaille

31 | She/Her | USA ~ EST | Active throughout the week/end
Discord - QuinnEly#9600

Hello and welcome to Quinnen's page!
Thank you so much for taking the time to look even here!
I'm Sammi!
I have been playing FFXIV for five years and have experience roleplaying privately for several more but I am just now trying to join the rp community with my best foot forward! I play a lot on Crystal Data Center at odd times throughout the week due to odd work times, but I'm almost always available via Discord or my Art Twitter! I also have an Art Tumblr, and I've drawn/edited all art and screenshots on my character profiles c:I write in Third Person and can vary on wordiness, sometimes with quick sentences but often with slightly slower, thicker paragraphs.
I personally prefer to rp AND chat over discord but I am open to trying walk up rp in private tells or private party chat! If you'd like my discord feel free to use my above tag to message me! I'd like to try to make new friends~! Though I promise to try to not overwhelm you with my chattiness ;v;
I am looking for casual rp (mature/erp is possible with other OCs). I do not do erp or non-platonic geared rp with Quinnen as he is exclusive to his husband.I am not entirely lore-compliant and understand if that is a deal breaker. In my personal canon Quinnen is the Warrior of Light and hero of his own story, but in rp I am more relaxed and vague acknowledging many warriors of light doing good across Eorzea. We can discuss what you're comfortable with if we want to rp anything with plot that deals with this C:My other characters' carrds:
Elyssia Triere
Baran Roh
Raelta Lacaille